Reepham Rotary Club has succeeded in raising £5000 for EACH to provide urgently needed protection equipment for the safety of staff and patients at their three hospices.  This fund raising has been supported by a grant from Rotary International arranged with the help of Derek Rothwell, District Foundation Chair.
Like many other charities, the East Anglia Children’s Hospices have suffered financially from the current pandemic.  Many fund raising projects have been delayed and their shops have been unable to open until recently.  Income has fallen by £100,000 per month.
At the same time, Covid 19 has caused extra costs in looking after the youngsters and their families. This donation will cover the ‘scrubs’ which form the basis of staff protective equipment throughout their three hospices in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Norfolk.  These cost £40-£50 per set.
Reepham Rotary has supported EACH for many years.  The Club identified an opportunity to submit a request to the Rotary International Disaster Relief Grant for needs arising from Covid 19.  This is one of only two such projects supported in East Anglia.
Tim Jenkins, Community Fund Raiser for EACH, in accepting the donation said  “This is a wonderful donation, and most timely.  We are very grateful for all the efforts Reepham Rotary have made on our behalf.”

Photo Louise Gower, Deputy Service Manager of EACH accepting a cheque for £5000 from Reepham Rotary President Tony Williams, with Tim Jenkins (left) and Rotary organiser Roy Sherlock.


The Club meets on some Monday evenings at 6.45 pm for 7.00 dinner at St Michael’s Church Hall.
Rotary visitors are welcome please contact
Members should apologise and book visitors no later than 6pm on Friday only at

Next meeting

On 16 September we have a Special General Meeting and Business Meeting. Papers are the members’ area.

Future events

The Sunshine Memory Cafe meets on 12 September