Do you need all your extra heating allowance?

We have recently been able to send over £7000 to Kyiv thanks to the generosity of members and friends. 

In March we sent £3000 from our emergency funds to help displaced people in Ukraine.

Now  others have joined us in a new appeal. However cold it proves to be here this winter, you can be sure that things will be much worse for many in Ukraine. 

Many Reepham Rotary members have donated some or all of their additional fuel payment for the coming winter to help.  With a direct link to the Rotary Club of Kyiv we know all of our donations will be used immediately to alleviate hardship in that country.

In addition to cash, eight generators have been included in a Norfolk collection of 100 which should be reaching the front line in the next few weeks.

The need is endless. Here’s how you can help.

  • via BACs to the Club’s Trust Fund, Sort Code 20-03-26 a/c 90387088,
  • a cheque to J. Fraser at Newington House, Booton, NR10 4NZ (cheques made out to Reepham Rotary Club) 
  • drop cash into collection points at the Post Office or around the town. 
  • via our Just Giving page at

If you share your address and give permission we can claim GiftAid from HMRC.


The Club meets on some Monday evenings at 6.45 pm for 7.00 dinner at St Michael’s Church Hall.
Rotary visitors are welcome please contact
Members should apologise and book visitors no later than 6pm on Friday only at

Next meeting

29 July we will be walking starting from Swannington Pump at 5pm. 

5 August Tony Diamond will be speaking to us about Mary Queen of Scots. 

Future events

The Sunshine Memory Cafe meets on 25 July