We have tried to make donating as easy as possible. There are three main ways:

On line please visit our just giving page at www.justgiving.com/campaign/rotary-reepham.

In Reepham you make donations in cash or by card  at Reepham Post Office. 

Or you can contact our Rotary organisers

Roy Sherlock:  roysherlock@btinternet.com

Jim Fraser: treas@reephamrotary.org.uk

Thank you to those who have donated 

Alice Henderson

Richard Cooke

Roy Sherlock

Muriel Jones

Salle Farms 

Here are the projects we are supporting.

Face masks for use by community groups at the Bircham Centre 

Materials for refurbishment of a mobile classroom at Reepham High School for spiritual use. 



The Club meets on some Monday evenings at 6.45 pm for 7.00 dinner at St Michael’s Church Hall.
Rotary visitors are welcome please contact reservations@reephamrotary.org.uk.
Members should apologise and book visitors no later than 6pm on Friday only at reservations@reephamrotary.org.uk

Next meeting

We will gather on 20 January for Burns Night celebrations.  

Future events

The Sunshine Memory Cafe meets on 23 January.

Our Annual Quiz will be at Reepham High School on 28 February.